

Offered by Smile Dental Boutique
Medical Professionals
Veneers are thin shells of porcelain that are designed to cover the front surface of your teeth. They can be used to treat severely stained teeth, chipped or broken teeth, misaligned or misshapen teeth, or gapped teeth. Their versatility makes...


Offered by Smile Dental Boutique
Medical Professionals
Dental sedation is the use of medication that induces a state of relaxation to alleviate anxiety and worry associated with fear of the dentist. Many patients suffer from dental anxiety that is so severe it prevents them from seeking necessary...

Cosmetic Dentistry

Offered by Smile Dental Boutique
Medical Professionals
Patients suffering from dental issues can significantly improve their self-esteem and smile thanks to cosmetic dentistry. To see if cosmetic dentistry is the right investment for you, take a moment to evaluate your satisfaction with your smile....


Offered by Smile Dental Boutique
Medical Professionals
One of the most popular treatment options for adults with crooked teeth, Invisalign is a brand of removable aligners that comfortably straighten teeth without wires or brackets. Invisalign works by using a series of clear plastic aligners which...

Teeth Whitening

Offered by Smile Dental Boutique
Medical Professionals
Professional teeth whitening lightens the shade of your enamel with the use of chemicals such as hydrogen or carbamide peroxide. These chemicals bleach your enamel through oxidation – breaking up compounds that hold onto staining molecules....

Restorative Dentistry

Offered by Smile Dental Boutique
Medical Professionals
The term "restorative dentistry" can be used to describe a variety of dental procedures that help patients restore their dental health and regain confidence. Restorative treatments are great for patients who have had an injury, tooth decay, or...

Dental Implants

Offered by Smile Dental Boutique
Medical Professionals
If you’re missing one or more teeth, dental implants may be right for you. Implants can restore the look and function of your smile and bite, enhancing your overall oral health. Made of durable materials, dental implants can last a lifetime and...

Full Mouth Reconstruction

Offered by Smile Dental Boutique
Medical Professionals
As the name suggests, full mouth reconstruction is a method of restoring your teeth, your appearance, and your oral health. It’s used to treat severe, chronic dental health issues, and allows you to live a healthy, normal life even after you’ve...

Preventive Dental

Offered by Smile Dental Boutique
Medical Professionals
The foundation for a beautiful and happy smile is preventive care from your dentist! Along with diligent at-home brushing and flossing, routine professional cleanings and checkups can help you avoid costly procedures. With regular checkups,...

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